About the Battle of the Mesh Organisers




Funkfeuer is a free wireless community network in Austria (Vienna, Graz, Bad Ischl, Weinviertel). It has a couple of hundred roofs in each city and around 500 devices (mesh devices) in Vienna. Funkfeuer.at started in 2003 and has developed in parallel to the Freifunk Networks in Germany. Due to the same language in Austria and Germany, a lot of mutual exchange happened between these networks.

Funkfeuer started the OLSR-NG project (http://www.olsr.org) which expanded the capabilities of the OLSR (RFC3626) mesh routing daemon and made it highly scalable.

Finally, Funkfeuer has it's own server colocation center which is connected to the Vienna Internet Exchange (VIX) and runs on public IPv4 and v6 space.

More information about funkfeuer can be found at the webpage: http://map.funkfeuer.at, http://www.funkfeuer.at , http://wiki.funkfeuer.at and http://gallery.funkfeuer.at



Fusolab è un'associazione di promozione sociale nata nel 2006 sita a Roma in via Giorgio Pitacco 29 (zona Prenestina/Villa Gordiani).

Il filo conduttore di tutte le attività e l'obiettivo che l'associazione si propone è quello di "sviluppare e diffondere una visione critica , alternativa e antagonista,del modello sociale culturale ed economico vigente attraverso la condivisione di spazi conoscenze e strumenti che si maturi e concretizzi tramite l'analisi la ricerca e l'azione diretta nei seguenti ambiti : produzione culturale (musica e arte) consumo critico , sostenibilità ambientale , informazione e mezzi di comunicazione , partecipazione attiva alla vita del territorio , intercultura , accesso al sapere , istruzione".



hackerspace brussels is located in the north of Brussels, Belgium; we're keeping our local space afloat - providing infrastructure, for all who want to hack around with open and closed hard- and software, sharing know-how & culture. we organized the second Wireless Battle Mesh edition.

more info at: http://hackerspace.be



Ninux.org is a wireless community network based in Rome, that aims also at promoting the free networking culture in Italy.

More info can be found at http://wiki.ninux.org/FrontPage.


/tmp/lab is the Paris hackerspace located in Vitry (East suburbs of Paris) working on wireless protocols, FPGA OpenHardware implementation and RepRap improvments. The /tmp/lab organized the HackerSpaceFestival and the first WirelessBattleMesh.

more info at: http://tmplab.org

AboutUs (last edited 2010-03-09 14:33:29 by ptr_here)