
BattleMeshV14 in a nutshell

Dates and venue confirmed

The Battlemesh is going live again for its 14th edition, and we are back to a physical event (if circumstances allow) -- back to normal!

We will be hosted by the fabulous Ninux / Fusolab crew in Rome, Italy

The community vote selected timeframe is Monday 2022-09-19 to Thursday 2022-09-22.

This also allows people to attend the RomHack camp and conference in Rome on September 23-24-25th.


Fusolab in Rome, Italy

http://mybusinessvirtualtour.com/item/fusolab-2-0/ attachment:planimetria2opianofusolab.png https://www.battlemesh.org/BattleMeshV14?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=fusolabrooftop.mp4 attachment:warehouse.jpg

Battlemesh v14 Accommodation Package

Location: Hotel Antico Acquedotto:

https://osm.org/go/xcXpgV25--?node=9192514038 https://www.atac.roma.it/docs/default-source/mappe-tpl/mappa-metropolitana-linea-c.pdf

The hotel is located in Rome's Pigneto neighborhood, near the Pigneto Metro C line station, at 6 subway hops from Fusolab (Alessandrino Metro C line station). Please note that Battlemesh v14 social events will take place in the Pigneto neighborhood.

Accommodation Package is closed as of July 25.

For any question or issue please contact us at v14@battlemesh.org.


The event itself is free of charge and open for all! However, it makes the organisation much easier if you tell us in advance that you plan to come.

To register, add yourself to the public list of participants or send an email to v14 at battlemesh.org with the following content:

Subject: Registration

Name and/or Nick

Are you interested in the accommodation package?

Other details you want to share, (e.g.:
* community, country, URLs, twitter/mastodon handle
* date of arrival and departure
* Will you attend RomHack?

Do you agree to appear on the public wiki list of participants? [Yes/No]

Session & talk proposals

See subpage: BattleMeshV14/Talk_proposals

Task List

See subpage: BattleMeshV14/TaskList

BattleMeshV14 (last edited 2022-06-30 21:23:32 by Clauz)