* Background
* Propagating Reachability Information:
* learning about other nodes exitence and profile
* Metrics: identifying best routes<
> (Distributed Hashes and Individual IDentifiers)
* Demonstration<
* Realtime, emulating a ~40 nodes virtual mesh network
* configurable packet loss and delay<
> - experiment demands from the audience<
(sorry for technical nature of this talk)
* BMX (acronym for B.a.t.M.a.n - eXperimental)
* historically: experimental branch for testing new features for BATMAN
* more configuration options, new mechanisms, ...
* always executable as # batmand ath0
* generation III-IV temporary compatible to BATMAN
* BMX v0.3 evolved towards an independent routing protocol:<
* some communities selected BMX for meshinh
. (LugroMesh, GraciaSensefills, FFLeipzig, FFDresden, Nicaragua,..)
* larges BATMAN/BMX network in Leipzig (~200 nodes) is BMX
* Winner of Merakas' Routing Protocol Evalutation is BMX (comparing OLSR, BATMAN, BMX)
* Since WBMv3 BMX v0.4 implementation...
'''Propagating Reachability Information''' Motivation and Ideas
* New Messages and logic to reduce Protocol Traffic Overhead and CPU load
* Reduce traditional '''OriginatorMessage''' size to '''4 bytes !!'''<
> (<=> BABEL route update: SQN, Metric, IPv4/IPv6 Prefixes)
* Use Hashes and '''I'''ndividual '''ID'''entifiers as node aliases
* Metrics
* Individual Metrics for each node (at the same time!)
* Roling Metric (like Ubuntu roloing releases)<
'''Propagating Reachability Information'''
* General Objectives:
- minimize Packet Loss -> find best end-to-end path between each nodes
- minimize Convergence Time -> find it as fast as possible
- minimize Protocol-Traffic Overhead -> with the least cost
* Typical Approach:
- propagate Reachability Information (e.g. route updates)
... causing Protocol-Traffic Overhead
- use this Information to calculate best routes
* Typical Tradeoff:
- send Routing Updates more often
-> reduce Convergence Time
-> increase Protocol-Traffic Overhead
* Design Challenge for propagation:
- summarize Reachability Information efficiently (into few bytes)
( e.g. data-compression -> less data vs more CPU load )
- roboustness against losses
* New Messages and logic to reduce Protocol Traffic Overhead and CPU load
'''Motivation for redesign of propagation mechanism''' (triggered by IPv6 support requests)
* Motivation for redesign of propagation mechanism
(triggered by IPv6 support requests)
* Reachability Information contains
- Node description (quite constant - not changing)
- IP address
- Network Announcements (HNA)
- service announcements
- Metric Information (always changing)
- Sequence number
- Path cost
- Other logic: header, flags, ttl, timeouts, window-size, ...
* Example:
Previously: Each BMX Originator Messages contained
- Unique ID IPv4 32 bits |
- Announcements [0,64,128,..] bits | description
- flags, header, window-size,... 48 bits |
- Sequence Number & path cost 16 bits | metricUpdate
Best case 96 bits
Typical case (IPv6, 1HNA..) ~ 300 bits
* Even in best case, 80 bits of each OGM is usually the same !! Useless??
'''1. Idea: Use Hash instead of constant description'''
'''2. Idea: Use Individual Identifier (IID) instead of Hash'''