## page was renamed from Day4
= BattleMeshV3 Time Table Day 4 (5 June) =
This is a community event. Please feel free to add details about your talk or workshop here.

== Talks ==
Please keep your talk time slot within 60 minutes (including questions).

BattleMeshV3 members may change the time table to solve logistic problems
||'''Time''' ||'''Talk / Activity''' ||'''Author''' ||'''Abstract''' ||''' Slides''' ||'''Links/Notes''' ||'''Location''' ||
||11:00 ||- ||- ||- ||- ||- ||- ||
||12:00 ||- ||- ||- ||- ||- ||- ||
||15:00 ||- ||- ||- ||- ||- ||- ||
||16:00 ||- ||-||-||- ||- ||- ||
||17:00 ||Meshed Networks prohibited by Italian law ||Paolo Del Bene ||- ||- ||- ||- ||
||18:00 ||Aggregatoin hour - Soccer ? || ||- ||- ||- ||- ||
||19:00 ||BMX (BatMan-eXperimental) layer 3 mesh-routing protocol||Axel ||BMX motivation and mechanisms: metrics, distributed hashes, ...demo ||- ||- ||- ||
||20:00 ||- ||- ||- ||- ||- ||- ||
||21:00 ||Introduction to digital electronics and embedded devices (lang: ita) ||Claudio ||We will explore the electronics from basic components to internal kernel api for GPIO and I2C bus ||- ||- ||- ||
||22:00 ||- ||- ||- ||- ||- ||- ||
||23:00 ||- ||- ||- ||- ||- ||- ||
||00:00 ||- ||- ||- ||- ||- ||- ||
||01:00 ||- ||- ||- ||- ||- ||- ||

== WorkShop ==
BattleMeshV3 members may change the time table to solve logistic problems
||'''Time''' ||'''Workshop / Activity''' ||'''Author''' ||'''Abstract''' ||'''Slides''' ||'''Links/Notes''' ||'''Location''' ||
||??:?? ||- ||- ||- ||- ||- ||- ||