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== Logistics == The talks / panel discussions / workshops are accompanied by a series of "social events" which aim to provide the basis for healthy discussions and relaxing moments between the hard working hours. For logistical reasons, most of these events require a preregistration. Please contact us to announce your interest at least '''3 days''' prior to the event to facilitate a smooth organization. |
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== Logistics == The talks / panel discussions / workshops are accompanied by a series of "social events" which aim to provide the basis for healthy discussions and relaxing moments between the hard working hours. For logistical reasons, most of these events require a preregistration. Please contact us to announce your interest at least '''3 days''' prior to the event to facilitate a smooth organization. |
For talks / panel discussions / workshops follow the instructions given at BattleMeshV6/CallForTalks |
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== Tuesday, 16th of April == | == Slots duration == Speakers are requested to be respectful of the duration of the slots assigned. Questions, debates, etc. must take place in side the slots and must not exceede the finishing time under any circumstances. |
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== Videos == Some folks spontaneously record some of the talks. Martin are collecting them. Contact him if you have any not yet made available. [[attachment:]] == Monday, 15th of April == |
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||'''Time''' ||'''Title''' ||'''Abstract''' ||'''Type''' ||'''Speaker''' ||''' Slides & Documentation''' || ||17:40-18:10 ||Bufferbloat: Problem, Diagnostics, Cure, and More Problems || ||Talk ||Dave Täht & Toke || || |
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||'''Time''' ||'''Title''' ||'''Abstract''' ||'''Type''' ||'''Speaker''' ||''' Slides & Documentation''' || || --:-- || TBD || TBD || TBD || TBD || TBD || |
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19.00 - 20.30: Dinner | |
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TBD | == Tuesday, 16th of April == === Talks === ||'''Time''' ||'''Title''' ||'''Abstract''' ||'''Type''' ||'''Speaker''' ||''' Slides & Documentation''' || ||15:00-16:00 ||Opening Talk ||Welcome, Logistic announcements, Agenda discussion ||Plenary meeting ||Simon, Martin || || ||16:00-17:00 ||Prototype demo of a new wireless mesh device called "Roofnode" ||- Demo of the "Roofnode" wireless device and it's advantages in rural outdoor mesh networks. <<BR>>- Discussion: Does such a product fit to non-profit mesh networks? <<BR>>- Discussion: What are the requirements to make it more valuable to your community network? <<BR>>- Discussion: What do you think about crowdfunding an open-source product version? ||Talk ||Franz ||[[attachment:20130416_roofnode_meets_wbmv6_v2.pdf|slides]] || ||''17:00-17:30'' ||||||||||<style="text-align:center">''Break'' || ||17:30-18:30 ||AlterMundi's MiniMaxi network model. Software tools and deployment experiences. ||- Description of the MiniMaxi model and deployment experiences in QuintanaLibre and DeltaLibre <<BR>>- AlterMesh firmware <<BR>>- LibreNet6 tunnel broker <<BR>>- Altermap <<BR>>- ruci (remote uci) ||Talk ||Gui, Nico ||BattleMeshV6/AlterMundiPresentation || |
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== Wednesday, 17th of April == === Talks === ||'''Time''' ||'''Title''' ||'''Abstract''' ||'''Type''' ||'''Speaker''' ||''' Slides & Documentation''' || || --:-- || TBD || TBD || TBD || TBD || TBD || |
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19.00 - 20.30: Dinner | |
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TBD | 20.30 - 22.30: "Welcome/Say Hello" evening in the Student Bar |
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== Thursday, 18th of April == | == Wednesday, 17th of April == === Talks === ||'''Time''' ||'''Title''' ||'''Abstract''' ||||||<style="text-align:center">'''Type''' ||'''Speaker''' ||''' Slides & Documentation''' || ||15:00-16:00 ||Ninux Routing Architecture ||Abstract: From 2003 to 2011 we run the Ninux Wireless Community network in Roma, in small scale and with private IPv4 addressing. Exchanging traffic with the Internet was done using NAT, and exploiting the user home ADSL lines. In 2011 we started to deploy a new Ninux network in Rome. Dual stack IPv4 and IPv6, and with BGP peerings to upstream providers. We present here our first attempt to define a routing architecture. ||||||<style="text-align:center">Talk ||Saverio, Claudio || || ||16:00-17:00 ||Community-Lab: A Community Networking Testbed for the Future Internet ||Community-Lab ( is a global testbed for the experimentation of network technologies and services for community networks which already integrates and extends, Funkfeuer and AWMN. It's sponsored by the CONFINE ( European project, which issues periodic Open Calls for participation. Community-Lab's software and documentation is released under Free licenses so anyone can contribute or setup theirown testbed. This talk will cover the latest technical achievements in Community-Lab. ||||||<style="text-align:center">Talk ||Ivan ||[[|slides]]<<BR>> [[|source code]]<<BR>> || ||''17:00-17:15 '' ||||||||||||||<style="text-align:center">''break '' || ||17:15-17:45 ||Firmware team bits ||During this on-demand scheduled demo the frim team will present their progress, nexts steps and how to contribute ||||||<style="text-align:center">Demo ||FW team ||[[|FW images]] [[|github]] || ||17:45-18:15 ||CONFINE, Clommunity & OpenCall ||Clommunity is a sister project of CONFINE aimed at exploring the cloud capabilities of Community Networks started on Jan 2013 and lasting 24 month. We will present the scenario and goals and report on the work done so far. We are very interested in gathering attendees' opinions and advise. We will also present the second Open Call of CONFINE. The Open Calls are a mean to integrate new partners in on-going projects. We would like to have you in the second Open Call of CONFINE (Autumn 2013) so will do our best to discuss ideas to facilitate participation in the call and attract project ideas that can help community networking to move forward.. ||||||<style="text-align:center">Talk ||Leandro ||[[attachment:20130417_Clommunity.pdf|slides]] || ||18:15-19:30 ||Community Networks Panel ||An open meeting between international wireless community network (WCN) members to discuss the following topics:<<BR>>- local misconfigurations might have consequences on the whole network, so to which degree is possible to achieve the completely distributed management of a WCN?<<BR>> - how are non-technically skilled people involved in communities? Who manages their nodes?<<BR>> - are there any more or less formalized "topic groups" or teams, e.g. the "developers group", or the "communication team"?<<BR>> - are collective decisions taken on a majority votation, consensus [*] or other basis in our communities? Are online tools such as liquid feedback used? Is it always possible to draw a line between who is in and who is out of the community? Which degree of horizontality is achievable in the Real World, where some people are involved more than other? Which is the importance and the role of trust? How can the decision process scale?<<BR>> - having homogeneous hardware and software systems can help the expansion of a network? Which are the drawbacks?<<BR>> - is network monitoring seen as an intrusion? Why or why not?<<BR>> - automatic firmware updates: do they really work?<<BR>>- International collaboration / coordination strategies. Is a Free Networks "federation" or some other formal meta-organization a good idea?<<BR>> - WCN as part of the Internet. Where does each project stand (ASN/IP resources, accessibility, etc.)<<BR>> [*] ||||||<style="text-align:center">Panel ||Clauz, Nico || || |
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=== Talks === ||'''Time''' ||'''Title''' ||'''Abstract''' ||'''Type''' ||'''Speaker''' ||''' Slides & Documentation''' || || --:-- || TBD || TBD || TBD || TBD || TBD || |
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19.00 - 20.30: Dinner | |
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TBD | == Thursday, 18th of April == === Talks === ||'''Time''' ||'''Title''' ||'''Abstract''' ||'''Type''' ||'''Speaker''' ||''' Slides & Documentation''' || ||12:00-13:00 ||Status of OLSR and OLSRv2 at ||A summary of the activities at in the last year and things planned for the next year, both the OLSRv1 routing agent and the coming OLSRv2 code. ||Talk ||Ferry, Henning ||[[attachment:OLSRd v1 - 2012 & What's Next.pdf]] || ||''13:00-14:00'' ||||||||||<style="text-align:center">''lunch '' || ||''14:00-15:00'' ||Mitigation of Breaking Connections ||A recurring problem of highly dynamic ad-hoc networks is the fact that connections break all the time. Some application can handle this, some cannot. In either case the load on the network is higher than it really needs to be because of the continuous connection re-establishments. Multi-Gateway enhancements, as implemented in OLSR v1, can mitigate a part of this problem. BRDP and MPTCP can be employed to further enhance to experience on such highly dynamic networks. This talk aims to discuss (at least) the multi-gateway enhancements and BRDP. ||Talk ||Ferry ||[[attachment:Mitigation of Breaking Connections - Multi-Gateway and BRDP.pdf]] || ||15:00-16:00 ||Version control with git ||Most software communities use git to have their software under revision control. Understanding git helps in submitting patches to other projects and saves a lot of time. For this talk I can do something very easy or something more advanced depending on the people present at the moment. ||Talk ||Saverio ||[[attachment:English-git-battlemeshv6.pdf]] || |
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== Friday, 19th of April == === Talks === ||'''Time''' ||'''Title''' ||'''Abstract''' ||'''Type''' ||'''Speaker''' ||''' Slides & Documentation''' || || --:-- || TBD || TBD || TBD || TBD || TBD || |
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16.30 - 23.00: Visit and dinner in the local hacker space | |
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TBD | == Friday, 19th of April == === Talks === '' '' ||'''Time''' ||'''Title''' ||'''Abstract''' ||'''Type''' ||'''Speaker''' ||''' Slides & Documentation''' || ||15:00-16:30 ||Lightning talks ||Everyone missing the submission deadline still has the opportunity to apply for a lighting talk slot. Lighting talk slots are 7 minutes long, with 3 extra minutes for questions and comments. Slides must be submitted to in form of PDF file. Slots will be allocated according to the reception sequence. Submission period starts on the 15th of April at 9:00 and ends 2 hours before the session starts ||Lighting talks ||On-demand (moderator: Roger if no one else volunteers) ||[[attachment:LT01_automated-share-and-locate-services.pdf|1 Javi / automatted share]] <<BR>>[[attachment:LT02_Bottom_up_Broadband.pdf|2 Fernando / Bottom-up Broadband]]<<BR>>3 Federico / Endorsements<<BR>> 4 Filipe / [[attachment:LT04_WiFIX.pdf|WiFIX]] <<BR>> 5 Thomas / [[attachment:LT05_o11s.pdf|o11s]]<<BR>> 6 Josh / [[attachment:LT06_Commotion.pdf|Commotion]] <<BR>> 7 JoW / almighty<<BR>> 8 Dan / Applications discovery<<BR>>Roger / CNBuB2013 Workshop || ||''16:30-17.00 '' ||||||||||<style="text-align:center">''Break'' || ||17:00-18:00 ||Random Linear Network Coding with B.A.T.M.A.N. ||Random Linear Network Coding is a hot topic in research and provides a short-cut to multipath routing. We are currently working with RLNC to create several one-hop multi-paths along the selected path in the mesh and would like to present our ideas and maybe even show some results. ||Talk ||Martin || || ||18:00-18:30 ||OpenWISP - a free software solution to public wireless networking ||How to deploy a complete solution to public wireless networking using 100% free software with feature like olsr mesh support, umts support and so on. The status of public wifi in italy and how to adopt a common system across europe, the FreeItaliaWiFi experience and the aims of OpenWiSP and Cineca in commons4europe ||Talk ||Andrea || || |
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== Saturday, 20th of April == | |
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=== Talks === | |
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||'''Time''' ||'''Title''' ||'''Abstract''' ||'''Type''' ||'''Speaker''' ||''' Slides & Documentation''' || || --:-- || TBD || TBD || TBD || TBD || TBD || |
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19.00 - 20.30: Dinner | |
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TBD | == Saturday, 20th of April == === Talks === ||'''Time''' ||'''Title''' ||'''Abstract''' ||'''Type''' ||'''Speaker''' ||''' Slides & Documentation''' || ||14:00-15:00 ||Tests feedback ||Tests realised, results and discussion ||Talk ||The test team || || ||15:00-... ||Goodbye meeting ||Conclusions, tasks to do for the year to come, work groups, etc. ||Plenary ||Marek, Simon, Martin || || |
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== Tuesday, 16th of April == === Talks === ||'''Time''' ||'''Title''' ||'''Abstract''' ||'''Type''' ||'''Speaker''' ||''' Slides & Documentation''' || || --:-- || TBD || TBD || TBD || TBD || TBD || |
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18.00 - 24.00: Dinner and free "concert" in the student house. | |
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== Sunday, 21st of April == === Talks === ||'''Time''' ||'''Title''' ||'''Abstract''' ||'''Type''' ||'''Speaker''' ||''' Slides & Documentation''' || ||--:-- ||TBD ||TBD ||TBD ||TBD ||TBD || === Workshops === |
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=== Social Events === TBD |
BattleMeshV6 Agenda
The talks / panel discussions / workshops are accompanied by a series of "social events" which aim to provide the basis for healthy discussions and relaxing moments between the hard working hours. For logistical reasons, most of these events require a preregistration. Please contact us to announce your interest at least 3 days prior to the event to facilitate a smooth organization.
For talks / panel discussions / workshops follow the instructions given at BattleMeshV6/CallForTalks
Two big rooms are booked:
- a lecture room for the main talk track
- a hack room for workshop and just sitting and hacking
Small teaching rooms might be available and can be used, although regular university courses might take place in these rooms (especially Mo-Fr/during daytime). Please check and be polite.
Making additions or changing the agenda
Direct editing is restricted to foster a coordinated approach to setting up an agenda in order to accommodate the wishes of the greater community. Please contact the battlemesh mailing list if you wish to make a proposal for changing the agenda.
Slots duration
Speakers are requested to be respectful of the duration of the slots assigned. Questions, debates, etc. must take place in side the slots and must not exceede the finishing time under any circumstances.
Some folks spontaneously record some of the talks. Martin are collecting them. Contact him if you have any not yet made available.
Monday, 15th of April
Time |
Title |
Abstract |
Type |
Speaker |
Slides & Documentation |
17:40-18:10 |
Bufferbloat: Problem, Diagnostics, Cure, and More Problems |
Talk |
Dave Täht & Toke |
Social Events
19.00 - 20.30: Dinner
Tuesday, 16th of April
Time |
Title |
Abstract |
Type |
Speaker |
Slides & Documentation |
15:00-16:00 |
Opening Talk |
Welcome, Logistic announcements, Agenda discussion |
Plenary meeting |
Simon, Martin |
16:00-17:00 |
Prototype demo of a new wireless mesh device called "Roofnode" |
- Demo of the "Roofnode" wireless device and it's advantages in rural outdoor mesh networks. |
Talk |
Franz |
17:00-17:30 |
Break |
17:30-18:30 |
AlterMundi's MiniMaxi network model. Software tools and deployment experiences. |
- Description of the MiniMaxi model and deployment experiences in QuintanaLibre and DeltaLibre |
Talk |
Gui, Nico |
Social Events
19.00 - 20.30: Dinner
20.30 - 22.30: "Welcome/Say Hello" evening in the Student Bar
Wednesday, 17th of April
Time |
Title |
Abstract |
Type |
Speaker |
Slides & Documentation |
15:00-16:00 |
Ninux Routing Architecture |
Abstract: From 2003 to 2011 we run the Ninux Wireless Community network in Roma, in small scale and with private IPv4 addressing. Exchanging traffic with the Internet was done using NAT, and exploiting the user home ADSL lines. In 2011 we started to deploy a new Ninux network in Rome. Dual stack IPv4 and IPv6, and with BGP peerings to upstream providers. We present here our first attempt to define a routing architecture. |
Talk |
Saverio, Claudio |
16:00-17:00 |
Community-Lab: A Community Networking Testbed for the Future Internet |
Community-Lab ( is a global testbed for the experimentation of network technologies and services for community networks which already integrates and extends, Funkfeuer and AWMN. It's sponsored by the CONFINE ( European project, which issues periodic Open Calls for participation. Community-Lab's software and documentation is released under Free licenses so anyone can contribute or setup theirown testbed. This talk will cover the latest technical achievements in Community-Lab. |
Talk |
Ivan |
17:00-17:15 |
break |
17:15-17:45 |
Firmware team bits |
During this on-demand scheduled demo the frim team will present their progress, nexts steps and how to contribute |
Demo |
FW team |
17:45-18:15 |
CONFINE, Clommunity & OpenCall |
Clommunity is a sister project of CONFINE aimed at exploring the cloud capabilities of Community Networks started on Jan 2013 and lasting 24 month. We will present the scenario and goals and report on the work done so far. We are very interested in gathering attendees' opinions and advise. We will also present the second Open Call of CONFINE. The Open Calls are a mean to integrate new partners in on-going projects. We would like to have you in the second Open Call of CONFINE (Autumn 2013) so will do our best to discuss ideas to facilitate participation in the call and attract project ideas that can help community networking to move forward.. |
Talk |
Leandro |
18:15-19:30 |
Community Networks Panel |
An open meeting between international wireless community network (WCN) members to discuss the following topics: |
Panel |
Clauz, Nico |
Social Events
19.00 - 20.30: Dinner
Thursday, 18th of April
Time |
Title |
Abstract |
Type |
Speaker |
Slides & Documentation |
12:00-13:00 |
Status of OLSR and OLSRv2 at |
A summary of the activities at in the last year and things planned for the next year, both the OLSRv1 routing agent and the coming OLSRv2 code. |
Talk |
Ferry, Henning |
13:00-14:00 |
lunch |
14:00-15:00 |
Mitigation of Breaking Connections |
A recurring problem of highly dynamic ad-hoc networks is the fact that connections break all the time. Some application can handle this, some cannot. In either case the load on the network is higher than it really needs to be because of the continuous connection re-establishments. Multi-Gateway enhancements, as implemented in OLSR v1, can mitigate a part of this problem. BRDP and MPTCP can be employed to further enhance to experience on such highly dynamic networks. This talk aims to discuss (at least) the multi-gateway enhancements and BRDP. |
Talk |
Ferry |
Mitigation of Breaking Connections - Multi-Gateway and BRDP.pdf |
15:00-16:00 |
Version control with git |
Most software communities use git to have their software under revision control. Understanding git helps in submitting patches to other projects and saves a lot of time. For this talk I can do something very easy or something more advanced depending on the people present at the moment. |
Talk |
Saverio |
Social Events
16.30 - 23.00: Visit and dinner in the local hacker space
Friday, 19th of April
Time |
Title |
Abstract |
Type |
Speaker |
Slides & Documentation |
15:00-16:30 |
Lightning talks |
Everyone missing the submission deadline still has the opportunity to apply for a lighting talk slot. Lighting talk slots are 7 minutes long, with 3 extra minutes for questions and comments. Slides must be submitted to in form of PDF file. Slots will be allocated according to the reception sequence. Submission period starts on the 15th of April at 9:00 and ends 2 hours before the session starts |
Lighting talks |
On-demand (moderator: Roger if no one else volunteers) |
1 Javi / automatted share |
16:30-17.00 |
Break |
17:00-18:00 |
Random Linear Network Coding with B.A.T.M.A.N. |
Random Linear Network Coding is a hot topic in research and provides a short-cut to multipath routing. We are currently working with RLNC to create several one-hop multi-paths along the selected path in the mesh and would like to present our ideas and maybe even show some results. |
Talk |
Martin |
18:00-18:30 |
OpenWISP - a free software solution to public wireless networking |
How to deploy a complete solution to public wireless networking using 100% free software with feature like olsr mesh support, umts support and so on. The status of public wifi in italy and how to adopt a common system across europe, the FreeItaliaWiFi experience and the aims of OpenWiSP and Cineca in commons4europe |
Talk |
Andrea |
Social Events
19.00 - 20.30: Dinner
Saturday, 20th of April
Time |
Title |
Abstract |
Type |
Speaker |
Slides & Documentation |
14:00-15:00 |
Tests feedback |
Tests realised, results and discussion |
Talk |
The test team |
15:00-... |
Goodbye meeting |
Conclusions, tasks to do for the year to come, work groups, etc. |
Plenary |
Marek, Simon, Martin |
Social Events
18.00 - 24.00: Dinner and free "concert" in the student house.
Sunday, 21st of April
Time |
Title |
Abstract |
Type |
Speaker |
Slides & Documentation |
--:-- |
Social Events