= BattleMesh v8 Participants = In the following tables you can see all the participants that have already registered for the BattleMeshV8. === Participants List === If you wish to register for [[http://battlemesh.org/BattleMeshV8|Wireless BattleMesh V8]] (with or without payment), simply add your name add your name to the following table. If you want to pay for the hotel, please [[BattleMeshV8#PaymentInfo|proceed as described here]]. We will move your name in the "confirmed payments" table as soon as we received your payment. If you want to have an '''event T-Shirt''', please put your size in the table. The price is not final yet, but will be around ~10 EUR per shirt. We will collect the money when handing over the t-shirts. ||'''Name''' ||'''Country''' ||'''Group/Community/Organisation''' ||'''T-shirt size''' || ||Simon ||Germany ||B.A.T.M.A.N. ||M || === List of Confirmed Payments for Hotel and Food === If you wish to register for [[http://battlemesh.org/BattleMeshV8|Wireless BattleMesh V8]] and pay for hotel or camping, please [[BattleMeshV8#PaymentInfo|read more here]]. Once you have paid, your name will be added to the following table: <>